Average Steps Taken

Description: Ch.5 Problem 27 - Average Steps Taken

Textbook - Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures through Objects 9/e

Chapter 5 Programming Challenge - Average Steps Taken
A Personal Fitness Tracker is a wearable device that tracks your physical activity, calories burned, heart rate, sleeping patters, and so on. One common physical activity that most of these devices track is the number of steps you take each day. If you have downloaded this book's source code, you will find a file named steps.txt in the Chapter 05 folder. The steps.txt file contains the number of steps a person has taken each day for a year. There are 365 lines in the file, and each line contains the number of steps taken during a day. (The first line is the number of steps taken on January 1, the second line is the number of steps taken on January 2, and so forth.) Write a program that reads the file, then displays the average number of steps taken for each month. (The data is from a year that was not a leap year, so February has 28 days.

